Retirement planning can be a complicated process – and surveys
suggest that most workers haven’t even attempted a guess. But even those
who have can overlook some pretty significant factors that can have a
dramatic impact on retirement readiness.
Here are some critical factors that are easy to get “wrong.”
The Cost of Inflation
Twenty or 30 years from now, prices are likely to be different than
they are today, and for many, those prices will increase – and perhaps
particularly costs of critical life aspects like health care. Consider
that, overall, the average inflation rate for 2018 was 1.9%. It’s not
that all prices will always go up – but they often do, and might
increase faster than your income. Think of it as the “magic of
compounding’s” evil twin…
There’s a calculator that you might find interesting at
The Cost of Taxes
A key part of the incentive for retirement saving in a 401(k) is the
ability to postpone paying taxes on those salary deferrals. The
operative word there is, of course, “postpone.” Sure enough, as those
retirement savings are withdrawn in retirement, you can bet that Uncle
Sam will be expecting his cut – and on a frequency dictated by the
required minimum distribution schedules of the IRS.
In fact, every time I see one of those reports about the average
401(k) account balances of those in their 60s, I can’t help but think
that somewhere between 15% and 30%, and perhaps more – won’t go toward
financing retirement, but will instead go to Uncle Sam and his state and
municiple counterparts.
After all, that’s one of those pre-retirement expenses that doesn’t
end at retirement. And, while it may well be at lower rates than when it
was deferred pre-tax – it may not be.
The Cost of Long-Term Care
Long-term care is one of those retirement cost variables that can be
very complicated to predict – which perhaps explains why the vast
majority of retirement needs projections models fail to take it into
account (the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s being a notable
exception). The data suggests that most of us will have some exposure to
this risk – but also suggests that only a minority will get hit with a
truly catastrophic bill against their retirement savings.
The question is, which group will you fall within? And can you afford to be wrong?
What You’ll Get from Social Security
Ask any young worker today about their expectations regarding Social
Security, and you’ll likely encounter a fair amount of skepticism; a
recent Pew Research report notes that roughly half of Americans (48%)
who are younger than 50 expect to receive no Social Security benefits
when they retire. Indeed, according to the 2018 Retirement Confidence
Survey published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, today’s
workers are almost half as likely to expect Social Security to be a
major source of income in retirement (36%) as today’s retirees are to
report that Social Security is currently a major source of income
As things stand today, Social Security’s future is far from certain,
though even under a worst case scenario, retirees are likely looking at a
reduction, rather than a cessation of benefits. That said, as things
stand now, those who retire at full retirement age today would be
looking at
a maximum of….
When You’ll Retire
Perhaps the most important assumption is when you plan to quit
working; today most Americans are doing so at 62, though 65 seems to be
the most common assumption – and while using 70 (or later) will surely
boost your projected outcomes (it both gives you more time to save, and
reduces the time that you will be drawing down those savings), it may
not be realistic for many individuals. The
2019 Retirement Confidence Survey found
that more than 3 in 10 (34%) workers expect to retire at 70 or beyond
or not at all, while only 6% of retirees report this was the case.
In fact, the RCS has consistently found that a large percentage of
retirees leave the workforce earlier than planned (43% in the 2019 RCS).
Many who retired earlier than planned did so because of a hardship,
such as a health problem or disability (35%), and a similar number did
so due to changes at their company (35%) – in other words, events not
within their control, and likely not foreseeable (admittedly, 33% did so
because they could afford to do so).
The bottom line: Even if you plan to work longer, the timing of your “retirement” may not be your choice.
How Long Your Retirement Will Last
Needless to say, the sooner your retirement starts, the longer it
might last. But the length of retirement is also a function of what the
academics refer to as “longevity,” and what regular people call
Indeed, the good news we are living longer – but that means that
retirements can last longer, and medical costs can run higher. And while
we’re living longer, studies indicate that we tend to underestimate how
much longer we will live. The Social Security Administration notes
a man reaching age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until age
84; a woman turning age 65 today can expect to live, on average, until
age 86.5.
But those are just averages; about one out of every three
65-year-olds today will live past age 90, and one in seven will live
past age 95.
Though it’s also worth noting that the averages include a fair number of individuals who won’t make it that “far.”
Ultimately, of course, it’s not what you get wrong about life and retirement – it’s what, and how much, you get right.
- Nevin E. Adams, JD
[i]The Social Security Administration has
an online calculator that,
based only on gender and birth date (and there are a lot of additional
factors to consider), can provide a high-level estimate.