Here are some nuggets I’ve picked up along the way….
- Be willing to take all the blame – and to share the credit.
- There actually are stupid questions.
- Shun those who are cruel – and don’t laugh at their “jokes.”
- Never say you’ll never.
- Be on time.
- “Bad” people eventually get what’s coming to them. But you may not be there to see it.
- Always sleep on big decisions.
- Sometimes the grass looks greener because of the amount of fertilizer.
- Never email in anger – or frustration. And be extra careful when using the “Reply All” button.
- If your current boss doesn’t want to hear the truth, it may be time to look for a new one.
- Never pass up a chance to say “thank you.”
- If you wouldn’t want your mother to learn about it, don’t do it.
- Never assume that your employer (or your boss) is looking out for your best interests.
- Bad news doesn’t generally age well.
- There can be a “bad” time even for good ideas.
- Your work attitude often affects your career altitude.
- When you don’t have an opinion, “what do you think?” is a good response. And sometimes even when you do.
- You can be liked and respected.
- Comments that begin “with all due respect” generally don’t include much.
- Sometimes the questions are complicated, but the answer isn’t.

And don’t forget that you’ll want to plan for your future now – because retirement, like graduation, seems a long way off – until it isn’t.
Got some to add? Feel free to add in the comments.
Congratulations to all the graduates out there. We’re proud of you!
- Nevin E. Adams, JD
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