There are, of course, more eloquent ways to express that sentiment. And, let’s face it, when it seems that everyone is asking that question—it’s generally well past the time when it is prudent to try and do—well, anything.

As for the admonitions to “stand pat,” while we’d all like to believe that we don’t need to do anything (and it’s generally too late anyway), there’s something to be said for a timely, comforting voice of reassurance. Better yet if that reassurance comes from someone knowledgeable in such matters—and better still when that reassurance comes from someone familiar with the particulars of our investment portfolio and financial needs/aspirations.
Plan sponsor fiduciaries are generally appreciative of those messages. They bear responsibility for the prudence of such investments, after all—and the reassurances of experts that prudence has been manifested in their decisions (or their non-decisions) is understandably welcome. Most are only too happy to pass along those reassurances to the retirement plan participants on whose behalf their decisions (or non-decisions) have been made.
Indeed, it’s a rare 401(k) enrollment meeting or education pamphlet that doesn’t remind us all that 401(k)s are long-term investments, that they continue to benefit from the on-going benefits of dollar-cost averaging, and perhaps increasingly that their investment in a diversified asset allocation “solution” like a target-date fund or managed account means that they needn’t concern themselves with those kind of interim swings.
Tough times can engender resentment and, in extreme cases, litigation, after all.
But they can also foster an appreciation for expert counsel, and that current reassurance that the inevitable “storm” has been anticipated—and that tough times can bring with them, opportunity.
- Nevin E. Adams, JD
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