3 Things Retirement Savers Can Learn from Pokémon Go
Here are some things that will help you in Pokémon Go and saving for retirement.
4 Things You Should Know About Social Media
Whether you are fully engaged in social media, just thinking about how to get started, or somewhere in between, here are four things to keep in mind.

Sometimes life takes unexpected turns, upending even the most “certain” outcomes. These so-called “sure” things sometimes turn out to be anything but that – and those that have relied on those assumptions, these “conventional wisdoms” as “givens” can wind up being disappointed – and ill-prepared for financing retirement.
4 Things That the ‘Common Wisdom’ About Millennials Gets Wrong
To judge by the headlines, if there’s anybody in more trouble when it comes to retirement planning than Boomers, it’s Millennials. But are they really?
4 Things That Make Me Go ‘Huh?’
Ours is a business where surveys and trends often shape not only perceptions, but policy – though sometimes the conclusions drawn, and even the premise itself – make me go “huh?”
4 Things Plan Sponsors Are Scared of – and 3 More They Should Be
Halloween is the time of year when one’s thoughts turn to trick-or-treat, ghosts and goblins, and things that go bump in the night. But what are the things plan sponsors are scared about?
4 Things Plan Fiduciaries Have in Common With the Second Continental Congress
There are things that today’s investment/plan committee share with, and can learn from, the experience of those forefathers who crafted and signed the document declaring our nation’s independence.
Oliver’s ‘Twist’: 5 Takeaways
I’ve long enjoyed John Oliver’s take on the world. He has a gift for bringing humor to subjects that aren’t generally seen as funny, and in the process not only helps make complex topics more approachable, he gives voice to the frustration that millions surely feel at the world around us. That said, when he decides to weigh in with his style of biting commentary on your profession – well, let’s just say that you’re likely to be in for a bumpy ride.
5 Things the DOL Wants You to Know About TDFs – That You May Have Overlooked
Target-date funds continue to expand in usage and popularity – but there are some things the Labor Department wants you to know about TDFs that you may have overlooked.
5 Things That Retirement Calculator Won’t Tell You
Have you seen that commercial about the couple who will do just about anything to avoid doing a retirement needs calculation? Well, here are five things that individuals should know about sitting down and doing that retirement plan – that might overcome those fears.
6 Things People Who Need to Save for Retirement Need to Know About Saving for Retirement
When it comes to retirement, Americans seem to be a pretty insecure bunch. But then maybe it’s because they don’t know all the things they need to know.
6 Things You Should Know About Those Millennial Participants
During my recent vacation, I had the chance to check in with some “real” people about their retirement accounts.
6 Stocking Stuffers for Retirement Participants
In the spirit of the holiday season, here are some “presents” that I hope participants find in their retirement plan “stockings” during the coming year.
The 7 Highly Effective Habits of Highly Effective 401(k) Plans
Every so often someone puts out a list of what are said to be the “best” 401(k) plans, based on varied benefits and plan design structure criteria. But for my money, here’s what the best plans do.
10 Ways the Class of 2020’s Retirement Plans Will Be Different
Each year the good folks at Beloit College produce a “Mindset List” providing a look at the cultural touchstones that shape the lives of students about to enter college. So, in what ways will their retirement plans differ from those of their parents?
- Nevin E. Adams, JD
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