It’s time to put your money where your mouth is.
In just a few weeks, many of you will be at the NAPA 401(k) Summit in Las Vegas. This will be my third Summit since joining the organization, though I have been to, and spoken at, a good number of them over the years.
This year, as in years past, the steering committee, agenda team and NAPA leadership have been hard at work for months, developing the program, fleshing out the agenda, lining up speakers, and this year assigning session “owners” to make sure that you get maximum bang for your buck in terms of information and session quality.

What’s (Really) Different
Beyond all those important reasons, there are two other major considerations for you in attending this year’s NAPA 401(k) Summit. First is the issue of tax reform. This is something that we have been writing about on NAPA Net for months now, but with the 2016 election having given control of Congress and the White House to a single party, the odds for significant change – change on the order of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 – is significantly higher than we might have otherwise expected. Those consequences could be enormous on workplace retirement savings in the months to come – they certainly have been in the past. You will want – and need – to know what is afoot, and there is no better place for you to do that than the NAPA 401(k) Summit, particularly with the insights you’ll get from our “From the Hill to the Summit” keynote.
The other consideration is related, but it is not something we generally push. While the number of quality advisor events has certainly declined over the years, I know you still have several to choose between. For some, that choice is based on location, for others timing, and for still others cost. For some, of course, it can be all or more than one of the above – all
are valid considerations.
But among all the things that really set the NAPA 401(k) Summit apart – one thing stands out, this year more than most. Quite simply, it is that – and unlike every other advisor conference out there – your NAPA 401(k) Summit registration helps support the activities of NAPA – your advocacy, information and education organization – not the bottom line of some corporate media organization or some private equity firm.
That’s right – in addition to the insights, information, networking that you may get at some other events, your attendance at the NAPA 401(k) Summit is a unique investment in your future – and the future of your profession.
It is, quite simply, a great way – perhaps the best way – to put your money where your mouth is.
I hope to see you in Vegas! Register today (if you haven’t already) at
- Nevin E. Adams, JD