Daylight saving time doesn’t really live up to its name—but as you’re resetting clocks, anxiously awaiting the realignment of circadian rhythms and changing smoke detector batteries, it might be a good time to (re)consider the following.
Do you have fiduciary liability insurance?
I’m NOT talking about the Fidelity Bond required of every ERISA plan (this protects the plan and its participants from potential malfeasance on the part of those who handle plan assets. In fact, the plan is the named insured in the fidelity bond). I’m also NOT talking about the corporate governance policies that many organizations have in place for actions undertaken by organization officials. These may not cover you, and they very likely won’t cover actions taken as an ERISA plan fiduciary even if you are covered.
What you need to check for is something called Fiduciary Liability
Insurance. This policy typically protects the plan’s fiduciaries from
claims of a breach of fiduciary responsibilities—an important protection
since ERISA plan fiduciaries have personal liability, not only for
their actions, but for the actions of their co-fiduciaries. Just
remember; the cost of the insurance can be paid by the employer or by
the plan fiduciary—but not from plan assets.
Do you have an investment policy?
Note that I said investment POLICY, not an investment policy STATEMENT. While plan advisers and consultants routinely counsel on the need for, and importance of, an investment policy statement (IPS), the reality is that the law does not require one, and thus, many plan sponsors—sometimes at the direction of legal counsel—choose not to put one in place.
Of course, while the law does not, in fact, specifically require a written IPS—think of it as investment guidelines for the plan—ERISA nonetheless basically anticipates that plan fiduciaries will conduct themselves as though they had one in place. And, generally speaking, plan sponsors (and the advisors they work with) will find it easier to conduct the plan’s investment business in accordance with a set of established, prudent standards—if those standards are already in writing, not crafted at a point in time when you are desperately trying to make sense of the markets.
Are your plan’s target-date funds (still) on target?
Flows to target-date funds (TDF) have continued to be strong—and little wonder, what with their positioning as the qualified default investment alternative (QDIA) of choice for most 401(k)s. That said, the vast majority of those assets are still under the purview of an incredibly small number of firms—with glidepaths that are not as dissimilar as their marketing materials might suggest.
A TDF is, of course, a plan investment, and like any plan investment, if it fails to pass muster, a plan fiduciary would certainly want to remedy that situation, including removing the fund if necessary (don’t take my word for it—that’s coming straight from the Labor Department).
That said, TDFs are frequently, if not always, pitched (and likely bought) as a package. While each fund in the family is reviewed separately, and certainly should be, breaking up the set certainly carries with it a series of complicated consequences, not the least of which are participant communication issues and glide path compatibility. Not that those can’t be overcome—and not that those complications would be deemed sufficient to retain an inappropriate investment on the plan menu—but it doesn’t take much imagination to think about the heartburn that might cause.
The reasons cited behind TDF selection run a predictable gamut; price/fees, performance (past, of course, despite those disclaimers), platform (as in, it happens either to be their recordkeepers, or compatible with their program)—and doubtless some are actually doing so based on an objective evaluation of the TDF’s suitability for their plan and employee demographics.
Whatever your rationale, it’s likely that things have changed—with the TDF’s designs, the markets, your plan, your workforce, or all of the above. It’s worth checking out.
Is your plan committee capable?
Today the process of putting together an investment or plan committee runs the gamut—everything from simply extrapolating roles from an organization chart to a random assortment of individuals to a thoughtful consideration of individuals and their qualifications to act as a plan fiduciary.
There is, or should be, a legitimate, articulatable reason why each and every member of your plan/investment committee was selected. They, and every other member of the committee, should know that reason. If you can’t articulate that reason (or can’t with a straight face), they shouldn’t be on the committee—for their own sake, and the sake of every other committee member.
Note also that, over time, committees have a tendency to expand, sometimes based more on factors like internal organizational politics than on valuable perspectives or expertise. But human dynamics are such that the larger the group, the more diffused (and sometimes deferred) the decision-making. So, it’s worth revisiting that articulatable reason—and making sure it’s still valid—on at least an annual basis.
Do you need help?
ERISA only requires that the named fiduciary (and there must be one of those) make decisions regarding the plan that are in the best interests of plan participants and beneficiaries, and that are the types of decisions that a prudent expert would make about such matters. ERISA does not require that you make those decisions by yourself—and, in fact, requires that, if you lack the requisite expertise, you enlist the support of those who do have it.
That’s where qualified retirement plan advisors and/or experienced third-party administrators (TPAs) can make a big difference—both in making sure you have good policies and procedures in place—and that they are kept up to date!
Think of it as a smoke detector for your retirement plan. It might not save you any daylight—then again…
- Nevin E. Adams, JD
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